2 07, 2019

Thinkingfit tips and articles top banner

2019-07-02T13:54:08+00:00July 2nd, 2019|

Dr. Sonia Joubert, psychologist, life/business coach, mentor and creative thinking specialist, offers various workshops on unlocking your mental potential and talent optimally. Teh workshops contains the following in become agile at innovative decision making, problem solving and solution finding, cultivate and maintain physical and mental health, adjust to a changing world with flexibility and competency as well as live a fulfilled life.

2 07, 2019

Thinkingfit about top banner

2019-07-02T13:44:20+00:00July 2nd, 2019|

Dr. Sonia Joubert is a registered psychologist with the South African Health Professions Council of South Africa, a life coach, and mentor in private practice, Linden, Johannesburg. Dr. Sonia Joubert also does corporate training on topics like creative and critical thinking, developing a creative and innovative organizational culture, communication skills and Emotional Intelligence.

28 06, 2019


2019-06-28T12:17:07+00:00June 28th, 2019|

During the last twenty years neuroscientists have also discovered that our experiences and thoughts literally wire the synaptic connections of our neurons, in other words our brain cells. These thoughts and experiences thus impact on your brain anatomy. Your brain is not “cast in stone.” The human brain is malleable and flexible.

28 02, 2018

Dr Sonia Joubert

2019-08-19T11:11:37+00:00February 28th, 2018|

Dr Sonia Joubert is a registered psychologist with the South African Health Professions Council of South Africa, a life coach and mentor in private practice, Linden, Johannesburg. Dr Sonia Joubert also do corporate training on topics like creative and critical thinking, developing a creative and innovative organizational culture, communication skills and Emotional Intelligence.

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