Mindfulness is a topic that pops up regularly in corporate training and psychological practices. I recently read an article on schools in the US which have had, by applying mindfulness and meditation, excellent results with relation to stress management, anxiety, and attention disorders. It seems to become an emerging trend. Proof has been found that mindful kids make for peaceful schools.

In our South African context, a Sunday paper of today writes that children as young as three years old are being treated for anxiety and depression. This is rather extreme. Apart from living in a challenging and stressful environment in our country, I believe that parenting and educational practices are also to blame. It would thus stand parents and teachers in good stead to equip themselves with the skills of mindfulness and meditation. The latter are gifts we can give our children which will enable them to deal with life more productively specifically in terms of self-management.

“Mindfulness” means to be in the moment, in a meditative state, forgetting and excluding everything that surrounds one. It means intensively observing with every sense alert and receptive. There is above all no judgement. It means literally “emptying the mind,” just observing delicately with appreciation, clearing it of all concerns and just focusing on a specific moment. Our minds are full of irritants, like fear, resentment, jealousy, and greed. Mindfulness is a way of clearing our minds of such irritants.

It perhaps sounds theoretical and confusing in terms of applying it practically, but I intend making the skills practically applicable in blog entries, workshops and individual coaching at thinkingfit in the near future. Follow us on our website blog entries and social media presence.