Depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety and AD(H)D are four mental challenges that are been diagnosed in increasing numbers. This is partially due to knowledge about the human brain is rapidly expanding. This is also supported by more appropriate ways of diagnosing and new treatment plans.

Each of the mentioned conditions can be vastly painful and frustrating for sufferers and their loved ones. Often, sufferers view a diagnosis of one of the mentioned conditions from a perspective that they are doomed to be “losers,”  “flawed” and perhaps useless or a liability/. Usually, there is a history of the diagnosis of performing less than optimally in their various environments; from their relationships with themselves, others and at work.

There is no reason to despair. The mentioned diagnoses are highly treatable and need not be a reason for experiencing less success than individuals who have not been “axed” by a diagnosis. A key factor in successful treatment is the appropriate management thereof. Here are a few potentially helpful tips:

  • Find suitable professionals to prescribe appropriate pharmacological treatment like a psychiatrist and a psychologist who is for instance trained in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. By changing faulty thinking patterns, adjusting diet, exercise and sleeping patterns, the obstacles that these conditions present, need not be obstacles.
  • Accept and “own” the conditions in the same way as people would who perhaps have other physical ailments like high blood pressure or cholesterol. However, do not “label” yourself as a bipolar or depressive. The diagnosis is mere aspects of yourself which do not encompass the whole of you.
  • Do not feel like a victim of something out of your control and do not lay blame on the condition for problems experienced. That indicates that I do not take personal responsibility for the challenge and its management. It is not an excuse to perform at diminished capacity when the appropriate treatment is sought.
  • Form a team with a few trusted loved ones you feel can support you in appropriate ways. A professional can be of great value in assisting with this to ensure optimal outcomes.
  • Make agreements with your support team about what the modus operandi will be when your condition interferes with a healthy and productive life. Submit and be accountable. Accept that when a person is depressed or anxious, altered brain functioning makes it difficult to view reality objectively.