Well , well…. I seem to have formally entered the world of business!
As an extension of my practice, I have recently registered a new company, thinkingfit Pty. Ltd. The purpose is first that it is a dream of 38 years come true at an additional property I managed to acquire after eyed for 38 years and purchased plus minus 15 years ago with literally no money, just a strong leap in faith. Up until a month ago, tenants have supplemented my practice income by rental payments.
I had it all planned that at the beginning of 2016 I would once again enter the “formal” corporate market which I never thought I would. It can be so restricting, black/white and above all immensely serious. Money, money, money… God had other plans and my plans for 2016 happened much quicker and the time is now.
The implications are that I now had to start “playing” according to the rules of business. It compelled me to personal branding, packaging service offerings in a way that meets corporate standards; advertising, marketing, financial planning etc. have now landed right in my lap. Fortunately, I have an amazing number of individuals who are holding my arms up. Also, doing a doctorate to meet South African University standards, compels one to master logical and critical thinking. Incidentally, our local standards are based on British university models which I discovered are far stricter than those in the US. (This is only my personal experience and I might be wrong!)
So, going against my grain, I have to “make public” my credentials. I could never have achieved any if I was not guided and mentored by human giants; spiritually, intellectually and emotionally. Because I am a natural introvert and scholar I, fortunately, “got” the lessons in spite of initial resistance. Creativity has taught me from a small child to continuously question the status quo; to my detriment at times.
This morning, I thought that perhaps the best way to start my “self-marketing journey” it would be easiest for my readers and myself to just enter a shortened version of my CV. Then it is done and I can continue entering more meaningful blog entries regarding the art and challenges of life as a human being on planet Earth. So, here we go. Click here to read more about me.