Please note: In the light of the Covid-19 virus, clients have the opportunity to engage in online counselling, life- and business coaching and mentoring. I also consult with clients face-to-face in my office as usual but following the correct health protocols. You are welcome to contact me Dr Sonia Joubert at 082 822 4179 or

About thinkingfit

The most vital step to unlock your potential optimally, is to learn effective thinking skills. Thinking is the key ability that makes us uniquely human. It is the pivotal point upon which consciousness depends. Descartes said “I think therefore I am.”

Through my own life and professional experiences over many years, I have developed a passion for thinking. Thinking is undoubtedly the most important thing we do. It is the catapult for every feeling we experience, every decision we make and every action we take. The thought comes first and determines our feelings, decisions, and actions.

This means that we are, do and have what we think. If we think we are too busy, we will be too busy, if we think we are not good enough, we will not be good enough, but if we think we can, we can achieve whatever we desire. This is as simple as it is.

It has been said that thinking is an art. It is an art that is well worth learning, because everything we do depends on it. This implies that there are skills involved in becoming great at the game of thinking; thus thinkingfit.

The acquisition of these skills enable us to identify challenges correctly and solving them with relative ease. Once learnt, these skills add immeasurable value to our lives. Most of our problems are the result of faulty thinking. We have the ability to think ourselves into- or out of problems and even make miracles happen!

There is a huge bonus at stake when working to improve our thinking. Acquiring effective thinking skills is the most vital step to unlock your potential optimally. Thinking is the key ability that makes us uniquely human. It is the pivotal point upon which consciousness depends. Descartes said “I think therefore I am.” Socrates went on to say that the unexamined life is not worth living.

Unfortunately, although we as humans are able to think, it does not mean we think “well” and productively. We are thus not thinkingfit. Deciding to obtain appropriate thinking skills, is most probably the best life decisions we make.

Passion for thinking

My deep interest in- and continuous efforts to improve my own thinking skills, started 25 years ago when I decided to pursue a doctorate with creative thinking as my topic.

Subsequently, in 1994 I organised and facilitated a three day workshop during which I combined two groups of students from different races and opposite political orientations. Nine black students belonged to APLA/AZAPO, and nine white students belonged to the Afrikaner Volkstater Movement. In spite of the lapse of time, the techniques and methodology that I applied are currently still appropriate.

My aim with the workshop was to shift the perspectives the groups held about one another with the purpose of cultivating more tolerance; it meant learning and applying more appropriate ways of thinking. I utilized a powerful creativity technique, called paradoxical thinking. This means developing the skills to look at situations objectively and from all angles; seeing reality with a fresh pair of eyes. The workshop was a huge success and recognized internationally. Subsequently, I won the De Kat/Johannesburgse Sakekamer prize as one of ten unsung heroes in 1994.

As I walked the path of life, I became more and more convinced that the acquisition of effective thinking skills has the potential to turn lives around. It is the only way to change. On a personal level, I practiced and applied these skills relentlessly and overcame extreme challenges, from depression, divorce, raising four children on my own and serious financial difficulties are but a few. Every life stage presented challenges of their own. If excellent thinking skills worked for me, they will most definitely work for you too!

Science breakthroughs in brain research proves your brain can change!

During the last three decades, neuroscientists have discovered that our thoughts and experiences literally wire the synaptic connections of our neurons, in other words our brain cells. These thoughts and experiences thus impact profoundly on our brain anatomy. Our brain is not “cast in stone.” The human brain is malleable and flexible. We can furthermore literally rewire and change our brain wiring by adjusting our thoughts and experiences. It is even possible to raise our intelligence and delay the ageing process by applying more productive thinking skills. This amazing and exciting new scientific field is called neuroplasticity.

An invitation to make a choice

To learn effective thinking skills, requires a choice; the choice to take my hand as an experienced expert in psychology, life coaching, mentoring and thinking with the purpose of showing you how to become aware of how you currently think, how this affects your circumstances and to perhaps learn more productive ways of thinking. As I said before, this could prove to stand out as one of the best choices and investments you make during your entire life!

Make the choice and let us go on a journey together!

Dr Sonia Jooubert

Dr Sonia Joubert
Registered Psychologist in Linden, Johannesburg

Resume of Dr. Sonia Joubert

Please note that this is a shortened resume version

Name: Dr. Sonia Joubert

Contact Details: 082 822 4179

Email Address: |


Academic Qualification:

BA (US) – Majoring in Afrikaans-Nederlands and History (1971)
BA Honours (RAU) – Afrikaans – Nederlands (1972)
HED (Unisa) (1979)
BEd. (Unisa) – Gifted Education (1982)
MEd (RAU) – Educational Psychology (1991)
D Ed (RAU) – Educational Psychology (1994)

Additional Qualifications:

Logotherapy (Unisa) (2002)
Fundamental Intensive Training in Ego State (Hypnotherapy) Therapy presented by The Milton H. Erickson Institute of South Africa) (2003)
Informal training through the US and other service providers towards acquiring Continued Professional Development Points as per requirement of the HPCSA
Creative Problem-Solving at the University of Buffalo, Upstate, NY

Work Experience:

Senior Lecturer in Education at Vista University – Soweto Campus (1993 to 1994).

Associate Director at the Faculty of Business Management at the Witwatersrand Technikon. (1994 to 2004). This position included tasks such as:

  • Management of various departments such HR and Communication.
  • Initiation, design, and implementation of a bridging program for students who did not meet first-year entry criteria.
  • Lecturing a variety of subjects such as Entrepreneurship, Organisational Behaviour, Statistics for MBA students etc.

Consulting and training for a variety of large corporate companies on:

  • Identifying “champions” and assessing leadership potential
  • Cultivating a culture and climate for creativity
  • Mentoring towards the development of creative and critical thinking, emotional intelligence etc.
  • Developing change management for companies
  • Restructuring and facilitating change management
  • Team building and mediation
  • Research on various problems a specific company might experience on any level in the form of pre-test, intervention and post-test investigations
  • Teaching, implementing and mentoring Creative Problem Solving Processes in corporations

Motivational speaking at corporate events.

TV appearances on topics like mindfulness and marital relationship exploration as well as a regular contributor to Sarie magazine.

Current Vocation:

Psychology practice (2004 to the present)
Services include the following:

  • Psychological therapy using a wide variety of approaches such CBT and Creative Problem Solving models
  • Mentoring, life and business coaching
  • Regular contributions to magazine articles for SARIE magazine as well as Television recordings in terms of the above.

CEO of thinkingfit Pty. Ltd.
Services include corporate interventions as well as group workshops focused on individual development, relationships, parenting, career planning and various other topics as described above. Co-facilitators I have mentored and trained over a significant period of time, assist in the latter.

Special Achievements:

Winner of the De Kat/Johannesburgse Afrikaanse Sakekamer as one of ten unsung heroes of 1994. Apla/Azapo and Volkstater students were combined in a three-day workshop at RAU. The purpose was to apply an advanced form of thinking called “paradoxical thinking” to shift existing paradigms. This workshop was partially sponsored by the Chairman’s fund of Anglo America.

The intervention was measured by a pre- and post-test in order to verify the results academically. The result was exceptionally positive and led to an invitation by the University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis and the University of Buffalo (US) to present these in 1994.

Leader of the International Home base at the annual Creative Problem Solving Institute Conference, University of Buffalo, Upstate NY.

“Unless there is correct thought, there cannot be correct action.”
– Henry George