Please note: In the light of the Covid-19 virus, clients have the opportunity to engage in online counselling, life- and business coaching and mentoring. I also consult with clients face-to-face in my office as usual but following the correct health protocols. You are welcome to contact me Dr Sonia Joubert at 082 822 4179 or

Contact Dr Sonia Joubert

Dr Sonia Joubert has over 25 years of experience as a therapist with a doctorate in creative thinking. This has resulted in a flexible, open and solution-oriented therapeutic style. Although Dr Sonia Joubert is well versed in a wide range of therapeutic approaches, she has a strong leaning towards creative problem solving, a psychological model she has developed herself. She believes firmly that every problem has a creative solution.

Dr Sonia Joubert can assist individuals of all South African cultures to master personal difficulties such as a lack of self-esteem, low confidence, anger, stress, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, substance abuse ADD, ADHD, ageing, loneliness and many other challenges. She is also an experienced life/business coach and mentor who is able to assist organizations with developing a climate for creativity and innovation, multi-cultural challenges, career development of employees, conflict management, emotional intelligence etc.

thinkingfit Skype session

thinkingfit has introduced a channel via Skype to provide therapy, coaching, and mentoring. This holds possibilities to see a therapist right where you are; home, work, etc. explore this option by contacting Dr Sonia, Joubert at 082 822 4179 or

The services Dr Joubert offers can be scheduled over weekends and after hours to accommodate you at no extra cost.

Please fill out the information below if you have a few questions you would like answered:

    “A decision to undertake a journey of self-discovery and growth is our most important task in life.
    As we tenaciously continue, life becomes more and more tranquil and serene.”

    – Dr Sonia Joubert