Your brain is malleable and flexible. I have often emphasised this fact that by taking specific actions, like changing your thoughts and experiences, you can literally rewire your neural pathways. Of course this can serve us negatively or positively.

Similarly to your body, your brain also needs exercise in order to remain in tip top form. Regular brain exercise can also slow down the natural deterioration process. There is a saying “If you don’t use it you lose it.”

The most crucial way to keep your brain healthy and fit, that has been scientifically proven, is to become aware of your inner self-talk and make sure that it works to your advantage. What you say to yourself is the verbal aspect of thinking. Negative and destructive thoughts like “I will never succeed” leads to a negative feeling and perhaps an attitude of not trying.

Specific activities indicated below are worth the effort to acquire as they improve brain health. They serve me well in my personal life:

  • Seek serenity, tranquillity and calm
    Make time to become still, calm and focus only on your breathing. Breath in deeply from your diaphragm for four counts, hold your breath for four counts and breathe out for four counts. Try not think of anything else but your breathing. Enjoy small things around you with gratitude, like the laughter of a child or something beautiful in nature.
  • Learn and read continuously
    “Fill” your brain with meaningful, constructive and new knowledge every day. Examples of these are for instance learning a new word or two of a language you are unfamiliar with. Try to read information that teach new knowledge regularly on a subject you don’t know much about. I am re-learning primary school Maths at the moment!
  • Acquire the skills of mindfulness
    On my website, I have three articles I wrote before on this very, very important topic. It links with the first point of seeking serenity, tranquillity and calm.
  • Be forgiving and let go of negative past emptions and grudges
    Try to “spring clean” your brain every day by getting rid of negativities such as unforgiven ness and resentment.
  • Use your diary daily.
    This is an excellent way to keep track of thoughts and feelings.


  1. Have you ever applied the above to your own life? If so what were your experiences and outcomes?
  2. If you have not tried any of the above, what prevents you from doing so?