I happened to stumble upon an article by Rochelle Human and I would like to share a few valuable points that you could try to avoid this debilitating disease.

Factors that can limit your risk from early on

  1. Learn from early on
    Some people display physical signs of Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in their brains. However, they show no signs of the diseases. Neuroscientists suspect that these individuals have a cognitive reserve, which means their brains can undergo more deterioration and damage without losing their mental and functional abilities.A lack of education, especially prior to 15 years, may have a higher risk of dementia because early education may create a larger cognitive reserve. Learning right through life adds to the cognitive reserve.Research has also suggested that older people should keep their minds busy with activities that stimulate the brain like hobbies, reading, doing voluntary work and learning new skills such as another language.
  2. Treat hearing loss
    Recent research has indicated that there is a link between a loss of hearing and dementia. This could be because hearing loss diminishes our cognitive reserve by limiting our ability to experience the environment. This can also promote social isolation and lead to depression. Regular hearing tests especially from midlife onwards are advised.
  3. Do regular exercise
    Experts suspect that exercise lowers the stress hormone, Cortisol. It also lessens the risk of vascular illnesses like high blood pressure and cholesterol.An interesting study indicated that participants between 55 and 80 years old who walked 40 minutes three times per week, had an enlargement of the hippocampus which is that part of the brain the manages memory. Exercise also increases blood flow and stimulates the formation of new neurons.
  4. Diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity
    What is good for the heart is good for the brain. High blood pressure and obesity can not only lead to heart attacks and strokes, but also plays a role in the development of dementia. In an Australian study by the George Institute for World Health, it was discovered that patients who had high blood pressure between the ages of 30 and 50, have a risk that is 62% higher to develop Dementia than individuals with normal blood pressure.Researchers from The Lancet and Harvard promote a Mediterranean diet with little meat and dairy, lots of fruit, and vegetables, healthy fat like olive oil and nuts as well as a little red wine. Taking in anti-oxidants and ample sleep are also part of this regime.
  5. Stop smoking
    Smoking is extremely bad for our cardiovascular system. This affects the brain and can thus lead to mental deterioration. Cigarette smoke also contains substances which is poisonous to the brain and can heighten the risk of dementia.
  6. Treat depression and anxiety
    Depression and anxiety symptoms are detrimental to the brain and need to be treat by a psychologist as well as possible medication. These conditions have an effect on stress hormones, neural growth and the size of the hippocampus.
  7. Be wary of social isolation
    Social isolation is a significant risk factor for dementia. This is in part as when we don’t interact meaningful with other people we tend to limit the information we are exposed to. It can also lead to depression over timeThe above indicates that there is much we as individuals can do to prevent the debilitating conditions of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. So, let us get going!


Test yourself against the above as is currently the case.
Make plans of what you need to do in order to comply with the tips given above.
Keep track in your diary of your progress.